coloring pages of donald duck

donald duck

Donald Duck

On June 9, 1934 Walt Disney, Donald Duck first launched the series with the title "The Wise Little Hen". Donald Duck in the story with Peter  Pig tries to avoid work by pretending to abdominal pain. They were finally awakened by his teacher wise hens.  The film series has become a milestone with the initial success of Walt Disney duck character after previous success with Mickey Mouse (launched in 1928).

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coloring pages of donald duck

coloring pages of donald duck


The idea led to Donald Duck or Donald Duck began when Walt Disney heard a voice of Mickey Mouse series called Clarence Nash the voice  imitating a duck for the film "Mary Had a Little Lamb". At the time Disney was frantically looking for another character after Mickey Mouse into the character of children's idol. The rat Mickey are the perfect figure of positive character. Disney needs to create other characters  are opposite or negative character. This idea emerged from the Donald Duck character.

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